ザ・量子インターネット / The Quantum Internet

2017/05/23(火)18:00 〜 19:00 開催


概要 / Abstract


The next information revolution is coming. Data will no long be simple zeroes and ones, but instead will take on characteristics driven by quantum mechanics. How will this change what we can compute and communicate? In this talk, I will lead you through the key ideas in quantum information (with almost no math!) and talk about what we can do with a quantum Internet. I divide the applications of quantum communications into three categories: quantum cryptographic functions, quantum sensor networks, and distributed quantum computation. Some of these functions are drop-in replacements for existing, classical functionality, with additional, desirable characteristics. At least one of the most exciting is an entirely new capability brought by quantum computation.

話者 / Speaker

ロドニー・バンミーター准教授 (慶應義塾大学環境情報学部)

Rodney Van Meter, Associate Professor (Faculty of Environment and Information Technology, Keio University)

Rodney Van Meter received a B.S. in engineering and applied science from the California Institute of Technology in 1986, an M.S. in computer engineering from the University of Southern California in 1991, and a Ph.D. in computer science from Keio University in 2006. His current research centers on quantum computer architecture and quantum networking. Other research interests include storage systems, networking, and post-Moore's Law computer architecture. He is now an Associate Professor of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University's Shonan Fujisawa Campus. Dr. Van Meter is a member of AAAS, ACM and IEEE.

日時 / Date

2017年5月23日(火) 18:00 (17:45 開場予定、19:00頃終了予定)

2017-5-23 (Tue) 18:00 (The registration desk opens at 17:45)

場所 / Location

株式会社インターネットイニシアティブ 13階 Cantata会議室

Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 13F Cantata room

会場について / Read before coming

受付 / Registration

  • 入館には受付が必要になります。飯田橋グラン・ブルーム2階受付階に専用窓口を開設しますので、スタッフにお声がけください。受付開始は17:45を予定しています。
  • 遅れて到着された場合、窓口にスタッフがいないことがあります。受付に電話番号を記載した案内板を置いておきますので、電話にてご連絡ください。

  • Registration is required to enter the office floor of the building. A registration desk for the seminar participants will be located on the second floor of the building. Please state your name to the staff and receive a visitor card key.

  • The registration desk will be opening around 15 minutes before the seminar starts.
  • If you've arrived at the building after the registration desk has closed, please call the phone number printed on the signboard at the registration desk.

退場 / Leaving

  • お帰りの際にカードキーを回収します。受付でお渡ししたカードキーを会議室出口に待機しているスタッフにご返却くださるようお願いします。

  • We will collect your visitor card key before you leave the meeting room. Please hand your key to the staff standing by the room exit.


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