Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling 読書会 第13回

2017/04/21(金)19:30 〜 21:30 開催


Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling 読書会 第13回


Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling の輪読会第13回を開催します


  • Scala、ドメイン駆動設計(DDD)、関数型・リアクティブプログラミングに興味のある方
  • 主催者はScala歴1年程度でDDDの知識もほぼ0です。初学者の方にも気軽にご参加いただき、ともに学んでゆける会になればと願っております
  • 途中の章からの参加も歓迎いたします



  • 各章のセクション単位で担当者を決めて発表してもらう形式です。
  • 担当者以外の方も、該当章を予め読んでおいてください
  • 各章で学んだ内容について、皆で軽くディスカッションや知見の共有などできればと思います


0 10/07(Fri) 1.1 What is a domain model?
1.2 Introducing domain-driven design
1 10/21(Fri) 1.3 Thinking functionally
1.4 Managing side effects
1.5 Virtues of pure model elements
2 11/11(Fri) 1.6 Reactive domain models
1.7 Event-driven programming
1.8 Functional meets reactive
3 11/25(Fri) 2.1 Why Scala?
2.2 Static types and rich domain models
2.3 Pure functions for domain behavior
4 12/02(Fri) 2.4 Algebraic data types and immutability
2.5 Functional in the small, OO in the large
5 12/14(Wed) 2.6 Making models reactive with Scala
2.7 Summary
3.1 The algebra of API design
3.2 Defining an algebra for a domain service
6 01/13(Fri) 3.3 ~ 3.3.5
7 01/23(Wed) 3.3.6 Repositories and the timeless art of decoupling
3.3.7 Using lifecycle patterns effectively—the major takeaways
3.4 Summary
8 02/08(Wed) 4.1 Patterns—the confluence of algebra, functions, and types
9 03/01(Wed) 4.2 Basic patterns of computation in typed functional programming
4.2.1 Functors—the pattern to build on
4.2.2 The Applicative Functor pattern
10 03/15(Wed) 4.2.3 Monadic effects—a variant on the applicative pattern
11 03/29(Wed) 4.3. How patterns shape your domain model
4.4. Evolution of an API with algebra, types, and patterns
4.5. Tighten up domain invariants with patterns and types
4.6. Summary
12 04/07(Fri) 5. Modularization of domain models
5.1 Modularizing your domain model
5.2 Modular domain models—a case study
12 04/21(Fri) 5.2.4 Modularity encourages compositionality ~
5.6. Summary


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