[特別企画] Serverless Machine Learning Workshop

2016/10/04(火)19:00 〜 21:00 開催



  • 18:30-19:00 受付
  • 19:00-21:00 本編
  • 21:00〜 懇親会(行きたい人だけで)



Serverless & Machine Learning

We will introduce the main concepts and benefits of Machine Learning technologies, while focusing on Cloud-related solutions (i.e. MLaaS and Serverless ML).

機械学習の技術、そのなかでも特にクラウド関連(MLaaSやServerless ML)のものの主要なコンセプトと利点について紹介します。

Machine Learning Introduction

What is Machine Learning and how does it work? But even more importantly, what problems can ML solve for you and your company?

Once you have understood the potential use cases, we will briefly describe the main challenges in the world of Big Data.

Why is deploying ML models so hard and how can Cloud Computing help?




Machine Learning as a Service

Many MLaaS options are available on the market (AWS, Google, Azure, BigML, etc.). We will see how they compare to each other and which may best fit your needs.

ちまたには多数の MLaaS の選択肢 (AWS, Google, Azure, BigML, etc.)があります。どうやってこれらをどう比較し、どれが自分のニーズに最適と判断するか見てみましょう。

ハンズオンは以下のCloud Academy Labsで体験できます。

Hands-on experience with Cloud Academy Labs: Amazon Machine Learning for Human Activity Recognition.

DIY with Serverless

Whenever MLaaS is not enough, you can build your own ML models. We will briefly explain why Serverless is a great deployment strategy for this use case and what problems and limitation arise with it.

MLaaS では十分でない場合、機械学習モデルを自作する必要があります。なぜこういった場合にサーバーレスが素晴らしいデプロイメント戦略であるのか、またどんな問題や制限事項が発生するのか簡単に説明します。


Furthermore, we will put these ideas into practice and build a model for Sentiment Analysis, based on Python (scikit-learn), and trained with a public dataset by Stanford University.


Alex Casalboni

  • Cloud Academy, Inc.
    Sr. Software Engineer
  • Alex is a jazz musician and Sr. Software Engineer at Cloud Academy. He loves building web applications, machine learning models and serverless microservices in JavaScript and Python.


Venue: Sparkle Labs


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