Global Engineer Lab #5 "日本発"で世界を狙うエンジニアトーク

2016/04/14(木)19:15 〜 21:30 開催


Global Engineer Labは、グローバルに仕事をしたいエンジニアたちが集まるコミュニティです。 将来シリコンバレーやアジアで働きたい、もしくは日本を拠点に海外と仕事をしたいなどの、 グローバル志向を持ったエンジニア仲間が集います。

Global Engineers Lab is a community for engineers who want to work globally. Among the member are engineers who are ambitious for working in Silicon Valley, or for working in Japan with worldwide companies. They think globally.

meet up概要/Overview




In this fifth event, engineers of Allm Inc. and RareJob Inc. talk about their experiences. Allm and RareJob have been trying to expand global services developed in Japan to North America, Europe, and Brazil. They will talk about realities of global engineers such as technologies that support global standard services, development structures, and obstacles in oversea expansion.

After internet prevailed, there is still room for optimization in the field of medical treatment and education. Even though each country has different medical systems and educational systems, they have similarities in essential issues that people at the site of medical treatment or education have.

We will also offer you a workshop in English for engineers.


セッション(日本語)/Session (Japanese)・・・30分


”Backside of product development in global expansion of apps that aim at problem solving in the front line in the medical front”

株式会社 アルム 開発グループリーダー兼プロジェクトマネージャー 福栄 晟氏

Allm Inc. Development group leader / Project manager, Mr.Fukuei


Mr Fukuei talks about how his and his team pursue development of user-first products in global standard apps, which have been introduced largely in medical institutions in counties in North America, Brazil, Germany, and Switzerland. He also introduces the development structures inside the company.


”Obstacles that the engineers in Brazil Business Dept. faced in oversea expansion”

株式会社レアジョブ Service Development Dept. 伊東 啓介氏

RareJob Inc. Service Development Dept. Mr. Ito


Mr. ITO will talk about the obstacles that he faced in localizing for the oversea expansion such as time differences among Japan, the Philippines and Brazil, problem solving on summer time setting, and payment system. He will also talk about development environment and mechanisms in which he has performed.

参加者同士の英語ワークショップ(英語)/Workshop among participants (English)・・・30分

「英語を使って働く」を体験してみようということで、グループに分かれて簡単に英語でシェアリングを行います。アイスブレイクを目的とした英語での自己紹介と英語でのディスカッションを予定しているので、気軽にご参加ください。 To experience “to work in English,” participants will be divided into small groups and in each group they have conversation. Please do not hesitate to participate, the purpose of this workshop is to break the ice through self-introduction and discussions in English.

  1. 「自己紹介」(1人1分程度) Self-introduction (1minute / person)
  2. 「エンジニアとして取り組んでいること」(1人2~3分程度) "What are you doing as an engineer" (2-3 minutes / person)
  3. 「海外エンジニアと一緒に働く機会があったらやってみたいこと」(1人2~3分程度) What you want to do if you work with other engineers (2-3 minutes / person)

※ワークショップは4~5人のグループで行なっていただきます。 Each team will have 4 to 5 people.

懇親会・交流会 After Party

グローバル志向をもった参加者とお酒を片手に語らいましょう! Why don’t we talk with other participants with global ambitions over a drink!!

Allm Inc/RareJob Incのご紹介/About Allm Inc. and RareJob Inc.

株式会社アルムについて/About Allm Inc.


Allm Inc. provides a communication app called “Join” which is for medical practitioners. This app is the first medical software in Japan that has been approved to be covered by health insurance, and currently it’s adopted in more than 40 medical institutions in Japan. It has also been introduced in North American countries, Germany, and Switzerland.

株式会社レアジョブについて/About RareJob Inc.


Aiming to extend its product that can serve as a platform of general study of English language based on global standard from Japan to overseas countries, RareJob launched “ENPOWER,” an online English service in Brazil in 2015.

タイムスケジュール/Time schedule

時間 プログラム
19:15 受付開始
19:30 開催挨拶&乾杯
19:35 セッション①
19:50 セッション②
20:05 ワークショップ
20:30 懇親会・交流会
21:00 中締め
21:30 終了

会場の関係により、応募者多数の場合は、抽選となりますこと、ご了承くださいませ。なお、参加権限がない方の入場はお断りします。 *Please understand that we will select participants by lot in case there are many applicants.


福栄 晟氏


Joined Allm Inc. as a new graduate in 2010 and worked on starting up of SNS for medical practitioners as a Web engineer. He has been in charge of planning, sales, development, and user support. As the service expanded in Brazil, a subsidiary company was established in Brazil and he stayed there for half a year. After he came back to Japan, he was involved in startup of “Join,” a communication app for medical practitioners. Currently, as a project manager, he has been leading app development and further expansion of this app in medical institutions in countries such as Brazil, US, Switzerland, and Germany.

伊東 啓介氏


Mr Ito has abundant experience of service development that received much attention in each era, such as embedded software, contents for feature phone, and social game. He is equipped both knowledge and operating experience of complete layers from lower one to upper one. With his strength that he is able to startup services by himself, he joined RareJob in 2015 and he has been in charge of all of the service development in expansion to Brazil.


  • グローバルに働くことに興味があるWeb/ITエンジニア
  • 外国人との多国籍チームで働いてみたいWeb/ITエンジニア
  • 海外で働いているエンジニアのリアルの声を聞いてみたい
  • 医療や教育サービスのサービス開発に携わりたいと思っているWeb/ITエンジニア
  • Web/IT engineers who are interested in working globally.
  • Web/IT engineers who are interested in working in an international team.
  • People who want to listen to engineers’ real opinions.
  • Web/IT engineers who want to be involved in medical or educational service development.


株式会社レアジョブ 原宿オフィス(





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