第17回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿

2016/01/21(木)19:00 〜 22:00 開催



「Reactive Design Patterns(Roland Kuhn and Jamie Allen著)」の読書会17回目です。


  • 事前に読書会のターゲットとなるページを読んでおく。
  • 当日は自分の担当ページ※の要約(or翻訳)をシェアしてみんなでディスカッションする。
    • ※担当ページは読書会の最後に決める
  • 発表の方法はプレゼン形式でもテキストでもOK。
  • 最後に次回分の要約を次回参加可能な人で割り振る。
  • 1回20ページ程度のペースで進めてみて、ペースは参加者に合わせて調整して行く。


  • PART 3: Patterns
    • 11 Testing Reactive Applications
      • 11.4 Testing Non-Deterministic Systems
        • 11.4.4 Distributed Components ... @jkugiya
      • 11.5 Testing Elasticity ... @jkugiya
      • 11.6 Testing Resilience ... @jkugiya
        • 11.6.1 Application Resilience ... @jkugiya
        • 11.6.2 Infrastructure Resilience ... @y_think
      • 11.7 Testing Responsiveness ... @y_think
      • 11.8 Summary ... @y_think
    • 12 Fault Tolerance and Recovery Patterns ... @yugolf
      • 12.1 The Simple Component Pattern ... @yugolf
        • 12.1.1 The Problem Setting ... @yugolf
        • 12.1.2 Applying the Pattern ... @yugolf
        • 12.1.3 The Pattern Revisited ... @negokaz
        • 12.1.4 Applicability ... @negokaz
      • 12.2 The Error Kernel Pattern ... @negokaz
        • 12.2.1 The Problem Setting ... @negokaz
        • 12.2.2 Applying the Pattern ... @jkugiya
        • 12.2.3 The Pattern Revisited ... @y_think
        • 12.2.4 Applicability ... @y_think
      • 12.3 The Let-It-Crash Pattern ... @y_think
        • 12.3.1 The Problem Setting ... @y_think
        • 12.3.2 Applying the Pattern ... @y_think
        • 12.3.3 Implementation Considerations ... @y_think
        • 12.3.4 Corollary: The Proactive Failure Signal Pattern ... @yugolf
      • 12.4 The Circuit Breaker Pattern ... @yugolf
        • 12.4.1 The Problem Setting ... @yugolf


  • Reactive Design Patterns を一緒に読んでみたい方
  • Reactive Systemの実現方法を学びたい方
  • リアクティブ仲間と話したい方
  • 途中参加も可能



時間 内容
19:00 開場
19:15~19:30 読書会の説明、自己紹介
19:30~22:00 まとめてきた内容をシェア&ディスカッション


  • 読み終わるまで毎週木曜日に開催する予定です。


読書会 内容
第1回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 1: INTRODUCTION - 1 An Illustrated Example
第2回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 1: INTRODUCTION - 2 Why Reactive?
 - 2.1 Systems and their Users
 - 2.2 Reacting to Users
第3回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 1: INTRODUCTION - 2 Why Reactive?
 - 2.3 Reacting to Failure
 - 2.4 Reacting to Load
第4回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 1: INTRODUCTION - 2 Why Reactive?
 - 2.5 Reacting to Inputs
 - 2.6 How does this Change the Way We Program?
 - 2.7 Summary
PART 1: INTRODUCTION - 3 Tools of the Trade
 - 3.1 The Impact of Choosing Non-Reactive Tools
第5回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 1: INTRODUCTION - 3 Tools of the Trade
 - 3.2 Functional Programming
 - 3.3 Responsiveness to Users
 - 3.4 Implementations That Support Reactive
第6回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 悪天候のため中止
第7回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 1: INTRODUCTION - 3 Tools of the Trade
 - 3.4 Implementations That Support Reactive
PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 4 Message Passing
 - 4.1 Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
 - 4.2 Event-Based vs. Message-Based
 - 4.3 Flow Control
第8回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 4 Message Passing
 - 4.4 Delivery Guarantees
 - 4.5 Vertical Scalability
 - 4.6 Events as Messages
 - 4.7 Synchronous Message Passing
 - 4.8 Summary
第9回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 5 Location Transparency
第10回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 6 Divide and Conquer
PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 7 Principled Failure Handling
第11回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 8 Delimited Consistency
 - 8.1 Encapsulated Modules to the Rescue
 - 8.2 Grouping Data and Behavior According to Transaction Boundaries
 - 8.3 Modeling Work-flows across Transactional Boundaries
 - 8.4 Unit of Failure = Unit of Consistency
第12回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 8 Delimited Consistency
 - 8.5 Segregation of Responsibilities
 - 8.6 Persisting Isolated Scopes of Consistency
 - 8.7 Summary
PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 9 Non-Determinism by Need
 - 9.1 Logic Programming and Declarative Data-Flow
 - 9.2 Functional Reactive Programming
第13回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 9 Non-Determinism by Need
 - 9.3 Shared-Nothing Concurrency
 - 9.4 Shared-State Concurrency
 - 9.5 So, What Should We Do?
 - 9.6 Summary
PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 10 Message Flow
 - 10.1 Push Data Forward
 - 10.2 Model the Processes of Your Domain
 - 10.3 Identify Resilience Limitations
第14回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 10 Message Flow
 - 10.4 Estimate Rates and Deployment Scale
 - 10.5 Plan for Flow Control
 - 10.6 Summary for Part 2
PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 11 Testing Reactive Applications
 - 11.1 How To Test
 - 11.2 Test Environment
第15回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 11 Testing Reactive Applications
 - 11.3 Testing Asynchronously
  - 11.3.1 Providing Blocking Message Receivers
  - 11.3.2 The Crux with Choosing Timeouts
  - 11.3.3 Asserting the Absence of a Message
  - 11.3.4 Providing Synchronous Execution Engines
第16回Reactive Design Patterns読書会@西新宿 PART 2: The Philosophy in natshell - 11 Testing Reactive Applications
 - 11.3 Testing Asynchronously
  - 11.3.5 Providing Synchronous Execution Engines
  - 11.3.6 Fully Asynchronous Tests
  - 11.3.7 Asserting the Absence of Asynchronous Errors
 - 11.4 Testing Non-Deterministic Systems
  - 11.4.1 The Trouble with Execution Schedules
  - 11.4.2 Testing Distributed Components
  - 11.4.3 Mocking Actors
  • まとめ情報はGoogleドライブで参加者のみに共有
  • 過去の情報も参照できるので、途中からの参加も問題ありません。


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