Learn Swift the hard way @ Omo3 #3

2015/09/20(日)10:30 〜 17:00 開催


A study group of Standford online course "Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift" inspired by this article : From Zero to Swift in 30 Days

The goal of this study group is to learn Swift by going through the video and assignment of this course.


We have longer agenda this week....come and join anytime that works best for you.

10:30 - 12:30 Watch lecture video : Lecture 4 - More Swift and Foundation Framework
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break and assignment discussion(Let's enjoy good food in Omotesando!)
14:00 - 16:00 Watch lecture video : Lecture 5 - Objective C Compatibility, Property list and view
16:00 - 17:00 Buffer time and free discussion


The lesson is in English and unfortunately no Japanese subtitle avaliable.
Please feel free to check the lecture video and see if you are comfortable with it.


This is not a course for programming beginner.
According to the course introduction, this program assumes the audience has the basic understanding of object-oriented programming.


Feel free to bring your own food and drink!


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