Litfest 2015: Theatre Night

2015/03/12(木)19:30 〜 2015/03/13(金)21:15 開催


1. Jack the Fly, A short Play by Amirah Binte Kahar

Jack the fly is a student-written play about two astronauts trapped in a space shuttle when their engine fails on a mission. The play explores the anxieties of venturing into the unknown through the interaction between two characters as they await rescue from a comrade.

Intermission/ Q and A

2. The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Act 2 Scene 2

This excerpt is taken from Act 2 Scene 2 of William Shakespeare's The Tempest, a play in which members of the court of Milan are drawn to an island in which Prospero( the ex-duke of Milan) and his daughter, Miranda, reside. In this scene, Trinculo ( King Alonso's jester) and Stephano (the King's butler) explore new horizons as they find themselves marooned on an island.

Intermission/ Q and A

3. Devised Piece: The Story of...

The Story Of is a devised peace put together by the members Epiphany's Actors- Director Guild. The play inspired by discussions on the recent growth in terrorist threat, explores the concepts of freedom and happiness in a society that sacrifices one of it's own in the name of peace.

Q and A


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