Ember @ Zendesk × Ember.js & WebGL

2014/09/22(月)19:00 〜 21:30 開催



19:00 〜 19:30 Doors open

Grab a drink and catch up with other Ember.js users.

19:30 〜 19:50 Coordinating your team, codebase, and Ember. Matthew Werner

Matthew Werner is an engineer at Zendesk in San Francisco. He has spent most of his career building platforms from scratch, optimizing existing APIs, crafting quick prototypes of ideas, and chugging coffee.

20:00 〜 20:20 An example of game developing with Ember.js and WebGL Yuki Shimada

This presentation will be in Japanese.
I’m going to introduce my development of a web-based 3D RPG using Ember.js and WebGL. In this session, we’ll look at how I utilized Ember.js to improve development efficiency. Finally, I will summarize the affinity of Ember.js and Web game development.


Yuki majored in Computer Graphics at Toho University. He developed a Game Engine for PS3 at a venture company (from the University of Tokyo). He has worked for Sopia Inc. (now Accenture Inc.) as System Engineer and
for a VFX Studio, developed renderer and WebGL Web sites. Currently, he is a freelancer (Web & CG).

20:20 〜 21:30 Discussion

Discuss the presentations or anything else Ember.js related with the other attendees.


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