RubyHiroba 2014

2014/09/21(日)09:15 〜 17:00 開催


The play field for Rubyists

RubyHiroba 2014 is a single day, multi-tracked(it’ll be 3 - 4 tracks, we hope) Ruby related event which will be held in downtown Tokyo, in front of Shibuya St. on the day after RubyKaigi 2014 — September 21

Hiroba(広場) means ‘play field’ in Japanese. You rubyists can find many chances to hang out, join some workshop, tutorial, BOF, give a lightning talk and talk to awesome rubyist come from all around the world!

RubyHiroba is free to join! it’s totally supported by CyberAgent, Inc.

If your company is also interested to support this event, please drop us a line to 2014 at rubykaigi dot org. We’re planning to ready some sponsor packages for RubyHiroba 2014 (it’ll be independent with RubyKaigi 2014’s).


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